Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Culture War Against Christianity

The political ideologues, media barons, and university elitists of our time are gradually coalescing into an informal, but powerful coalition to impress their world view upon the general population of the western world. Of late, their vision and agenda has been tagged as the New World Order, for lack of a better term, that label is a useful description of what they seek to build.

They are truly intent on shaping trends and events in such a way that their precepts for life will become the standard for all those who will participate in civilized society; but if their plan succeeds then there will be no civilization and this can be proven by a study of history. These precepts cannot peacefully co-exist with genuine Christianity, thus they represent a clear and present danger to a Biblical lifestyle.

The primary feature of the religion of the New World Order is Pluralism (read that Judaism). Although not part of the vocabulary of many Christians, it is a concept that most of us have been exposed to repeatedly. Simply put, pluralism is the religious/philosophical idea that there are many pathways to God and spiritual fulfillment.

Pluralism teaches that each of them is equally valid, and everyone should be encouraged to explore all of these various pathways, ultimately selecting whichever they find most appealing. Pluralism is DOGMATIC, and embraces a relative approach to truth. Truth, to a committed pluralist, is always subject to individual interpretation, and is elastic enough to make everyone comfortable. Everyone, that is, except the individual who insists that truth is not relative to time and circumstances, but is absolute to all people in every situation.

"The not content merely to destroy Christianity, but he preaches the gospel of Judaism; he not only assails the Catholic or the Protestant faith, but he incites to the unbelief, and then imposes on those whose faith he has undermined his own conception of the world, of morality and of life. He is engaged in his historic mission, the annihilation of the religion of Christ." (Benard Lazare, Antisemitism: It's History and Causes, Translated by Britons Publishing Co., London (1967), p. 158).

Eastern religions are pluralistic in character, thus they are ideally suited for merging with the new religious order. The leading religion of China, Confucianism, is not a religion as such, but rather a code of personal conduct. Within this framework, one can be a practicing Buddhist, Hindu, or anything else.

Buddhism officially asserts there is no God, but in practically its adherents find gods everywhere; in the rocks, trees, and animals. Hinduism differs in the manner in which society is organized but it too teaches that gods are multitudinous.

The other major religions of Asia, Shintoism and Taoism, are philosophically similar and differ only in ritual and their historical circumstances. Thus, as a whole, the religions of Asia pose no threat to the pluralistic religion of the new order.

Judaism is not truly pluralistic in its historic content, yet it also represents no danger to the pluralistic religion of the future. This is for several reasons. First, many of the influential ideologues seeking to foist upon us the one-world religious vision are of a Jewish ethnic or cultural background.

Additionally, Judaism is a very minuscule sect when compared numerically tot he other religions of the world. And last, Judaism is not evangelical in character, thus it will never spread much. Yet its influence on world affairs cannot be denied by anyone with the lest bit of learning about world history.

Islam represents a threat, for it certainly is not pluralistic. Thus the diplomatic and military resources of all nations that are hostage tot he goals of the pluralistic ideologues are regularly and routinely mobilized to keep the Islamic nations as poor and as friendless as possible. However, in terms of being a challenge internally to the West, Islam�s influence is still small enough to make it low on the pluralists� list of domestic threats.

By far, the greatest threat to a global pluralistic religion is Christianity. Yet, all sects are considered threatening. In fact, the most influential branch of historic Christendom, the Roman Catholic Church, is emerging as a possible umbrella organization to bring together the disparate sects of Christianity.

As we enter the twenty-first century, the Papacy is doing all it can to position itself as the single institution with the global clout to launch a forth viable worldwide religion that has universal appeal. Of course, the Roman Catholic Church has been somewhat pluralistic in actual practice for centuries.

It is well know that local primitive deities in South America, Africa, and Asia are quite welcome within the broad garter of the Roman Catholic pantheon as long as lip service to the Papacy is maintained. As the Roman Catholic Church grows steadily more pluralistic, it finds greater compatibility with the new religious order.

The traditional �mainstream� denominations that were spawned after the Protestant Reformation are rapidly dismantling what little stills separates them from the new pluralistic religious order.

If this trend continues, these �mainstream� churches will soon be ranked as partners in the seemingly irrepressible march to pluralistic bliss. It is only within the ranks of the �religious right� that there still remains a serious threat to the swell of voices calling for a tolerant pluralistic utopia.

Thus, they are the ones upon whom the ideologies have leveled their gun sights. What is it that makes their religious views so incompatible, when so many other religions have found a cozy place to roost? Why cannot they also be accorded a niche to practice their faith? Why must they be smeared, slandered, bullied, and badgered until their voices have been stilled?

Very simply, it is because they refuse to adopt the pluralistic theology of the new religious order. And why should they? After all, the Bible teaches very clearly that there is only one pathway to Yahweh and spiritual fulfillment; Yeashua. Yeashuas� own words testify of this:

�Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.� (John 14:6)

Not only did Yeashua declare this of Himself, but other testified of this simple truth. Peter, for example stated clearly:

�Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole... Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.� (Acts 4:10, 12)

Paul, the celebrated apostle, also taught this profoundly singular truth:

�For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.� (1 Timothy 2:5)

As you can see, the Bible teaches that the only pathway to Yahweh and spiritual fulfillment is through the name and person of Yeashua. Neither Buddha, Confucius, the Pope, or any other god, demi-god, or human institution can accomplish what Yeashua did. He made a perfect atonement for sin, and made possible the reconciling of man to God, opening eternal life to all who believe. This is the exclusive message of genuine Christians.

Such an exclusive message runs completely contrary to the tenor of the new religious order of pluralism. Rather than many pathways to Yahweh and spiritual fulfillment, true Christianity posits there is only one; Yeashua.

All other highways lead to confusion. Since the �religious right� is the only sector of Christianity that still forcefully and stubbornly clings to this truth, it has become the primary target in the religious culture war that rages within the West.

Through jingoistic yellow journalism, the media elites have sought to tar and feather them, shaming them into silence. Slanderous labels such as �right-wing zealots,��fundamentalists,��cultists,��bigots,� and even �potential domestic terrorists,� are used in an attempt to muzzle and immaculate them.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 uses language that should provide the freedom of religious expression and religious practice for all; including �right wing� Christians. Note the following list of protected classes of people in the United States in accordance with said document:

�Shall be made free from any discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.�

Yes indeed, religion is included in that litany of protected people. This principle of equal protection under the law has been foundational in all Civil Rights legislation of the past four decades. Furthermore, the concept of religious liberty has a long tradition in America.

As colonies, Rhode Island, Maryland, the Pennsylvania were actually founded with the intent of providing a religious haven for Christian dissenters that were unwelcome elsewhere. Thus, it is natural that the Civil Rights Act would include religion as an aspect of protected civil rights.

Yet, the �religious right� is discovering that such lofty language means little when it is reinterpreted in such a way as to exclude �right-wing zealots,��fundamentalists,��cultists,��bigots,� and �potential domestic terrorists.� A well orchestrated campaign is underway to marginalize this sector of Christendom by indicating these individuals and groups are not worthy of equal protection under the law. Apparently, they are a little less equal

A conspicuous example of this double standard is revealed in a statement made by Janet Reno, then the U.S. Attorney General and chief law-enforcement officer of the nation:

�A cultists is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools for their children; who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong belief in the Second Amendment; and who distrusts big government. Any of these may qualify a person a cultist, but certainly more than one of these would cause us to look at this person as a threat, and his family as being in a risk situation that qualified for government interference.�

Thankfully, this brazen and reckless comment has not been embraced by most law enforcement agents in the Unites States who correctly perceive that none of these criterial are the least bit illegal or unethical. Yet, it does show where the most rabid anti-Christian pluralists wish to take the battle.

If they were able to follow through on their preferred choice, all of the folks exhibiting these criteria would go up in a puff of smoke like the Branch Davidians in Waco; and Vicki Weaver in Idaho. Make no mistake, Janet Reno�s statement identifies that select remnant whom the pluralist ideologues wish to destroy.

Take heart, however. Others have borne the same cross. Imperial Rome had this precise relationship with the early Christians. Rome was a thoroughly pagan culture that provided a place for every imaginable deity. As long as one gave Caesar nominal divine lip service and did not adopt an exclusivist notion insisting that there was only one God, you were welcome to practice any religion you desired.

It was a seemingly perfect pluralist religious world. Of course, we know the Christians could not fit into that mold. Thus, they had to be eliminated using all available means; fed to the lions to be eliminated using all available means, fed to the lions, sawn asunder, or smeared in tar and lit to brighten up the emperor�s evening garden parties. After all, such intolerant �zealots� and �cultists� could not be allowed to �brainwash� others.

So, will the Imperial ideologues of our era target you? Well, do you believe that truth is absolute? Is Christ the only path to God? Do you embrace any of Mrs. Reno�s criteria of a cultist? If so, get ready for a bit of heat. But would you not rather take a bit of heat in this life, rather than face the final judgement and be cast into the furnace and destroyed; which is the second death. Those that will stand in the gap and fight for Christ�s absolute truth in the religious culture war can rest in this promise:

�Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord, hath promised to them that love him.� (James 1:12)

(Taken in part from an article by Reed Benson, �The Culture War Against Religion,� pp. 8-9, The Vision, April 2000, Volume 3 Number 1, Published by The Church of Isrel, Schell City, Missouri 64783)

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